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NEMATURAL SESAME: Parasitic Nematode Control. Natural Product
NEMATURAL SESAME is a naturally derived bionematicide for control of parasitics nematodes in agricultural and ornamental crop. May be applied by ground spray applications, drip irrigation, over-head irrigation system or fertirrigation systems.
NEMATURAL SESAME'S main advantages are:
Effective, broad spectrum nematicide
Sustainable and environmentally friendly
Can be used in Nematode Management Programs with other chemical nematicides, nutrients and cultural practices
Workers can re/enter the field immediately after application
No pre or post harvest application limitations
For use in conventional and organic production
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About us

Aspe has over 35 years of chemical manufacturing, experience and technical expertise, coupled with a proven track record in providing quality products as and when required.

Contact us at:
+34 620 945 980
