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KELOM MIX - Micronutrients Chelates

KELOM MIX are a group of products in which the micronutrients source is bound to an organic ligand in order to improve its availability to plants. These products include natural and synthetic complexes.
The benefit that most producers seek from using micronutrients fertilizers is an increase in income due to increased yield or quality of harvested products. In the most severely deficient soils, the application of micronutrient fertiliser makes an absolute difference between being able to use land productively for agriculture, horticulture or forestry, or not.‘(RW, Belletal, 2008)’’
KELOM MIX is fighting against:
Yield reduction.
Poor quality production, e.g. low oil content, poor fiebre quality, deformed fruits.
Decreased N fixation by leguminous crops.
Reduction in crop vigour.
Low germination rates.
Short storage life.
Reduced efficiency of macronutrients.
Check the KELOM MIX brochure for more information:

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About us

Aspe has over 35 years of chemical manufacturing, experience and technical expertise, coupled with a proven track record in providing quality products as and when required.

Contact us at:
+34 620 945 980
