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KELOM S - Sulfur Fertilizer

KELOM S - Sulfur Fertilizer
SULFUR is a key element for plant growth and development being a important constituent of enzymes and amino acids involved in photosyntesis and protein formation.
KELOM S is a liquid fertilizer based in Nitrogen and Sulfur, wich is at high concentration.
It is used as a Sulfur source in the prevention of this defciency. Arable crops including sugar beet, brassicas, cereals and certain fruit crops will beneft from sulphur applications. Crops will respond immediately to applications of KELOM S and it will be rapidly absorbed by the plant.
The main characteristics of KELOM S are:
- Sulfur defciencies corrector.
- Fungicide action (Powdery Mildew and Oidium).
- Improves availibility of iron and manganese.
- Increases speed of action of pesticides.
- Increases content of aminoacids and proteins.
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